Thursday, October 11, 2012

{Welcoming Autumn}

Those long balmy summer days are over and fall is evidently in the air. You can smell it, literally. The fresh crispness of the air, the crunchiness of the leaves, and the fireplace burning somewhere in the neighborhood. But before the smell you can see it. The leaves slowly start changing colors. First it's very vague and just a speck of yellow there and smatter of red there, but in no time at all, overnight it seems, all of the trees are wearing their autumn dresses of red, yellow, orange, gold, and brown. It is a majestic transformation that catches your breath each and every time you look at it.
 'Tis the season for long comfy cardigans, scarves wrapped around our necks, tall ridding boots, and steaming mugs of spiced hot apple cider. For all those romantics out there fall season means it's time to curl up with a good book at a local coffee shop or to cuddle with a loved one under the stars. My favorite part of fall is taking long walks with my sisters whether it be during the day or night. I love stomping all over the crunchy leaves as I breathe in the crisp fresh autumn air.
This season do something that you enjoy most about fall. Or be like me and write a bucket list of ALL of the fall activities you wish to partake in. I'm hoping to make it to apple hill and munch on some crunchy apples, eat apple pie, drink apple cider, and most importantly, pick apples. The other fall activity on my list is visiting a corn maze. I am intrigued by corn mazes because I love mysterious things. It's the hopeless romantic in me that enjoys all things mysterious. Some of the things that I hope to do this fall also include baking, scrap-booking, and taking gorgeous shots of everything I do along the way! I welcome autumn with open arms and always wish that this season lasted longer than it does.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

{Forgiveness Is Good For the Soul}

There are times when we are so discouraged because no matter how nice we are our friends seem to not notice it. Oftentimes we are stabbed in the back for no apparent reason. Sometimes I just want to pay back for all of the wrongs that were committed towards me. But then I think about it and I remember a very important factor. I am a Christian and it's a sin to strike out towards those who have wronged us. Jesus died for our sins and we can't even forgive each other. Think about what He did for us and what kind of love He had towards us. The next time a person hurts you and it's so hard for you to forgive them, remember this one thing; Jesus forgave you and them for all of the sins you committed. He forgave your friend that hurt you, he forgave your enemy that also hurt you two THOUSAND years ago. Why is it so hard for us, sinners, to forgive those who have wronged us? This should definitely be a little passage of thought to remember each time it is hard to forgive a wrong that was committed against us.

*Inspiration: I heard this on K-Love today (reworded in my own thoughts)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

{Very Unexpected Sweet Tooth?}

If you are anything like me then you have a tooth for spicy savory foods and sweets have always been on the back plan. I have always been like that. I would choose a sandwich over a cupcake any day. This has not been the case lately. I have started craving chocolate and anything to do with sugar intensely. I decided to look it up because I got a little curious as to why I'm suddenly experiencing a major sweet tooth? I have also noticed that I have a problem concentrating or remember the most basic concepts. My head would be aching for days unless I had some sugar. I knew that this was not like me, so I have done some research about it and here's what I came up with.

Sudden craving for sugar means your blood sugar is low. Glucose (sugar) is a very vital source for energy and when it runs low you start shaking and get very weak. Many people may faint. Others have trouble speaking and concentrating. This condition is called hypoglycemia. It usually occurs in people who have diabetes and for those people who don't have diabetes it may show that there is some sort of problem with some other areas like the pancreas.

A couple of things to do if you are experiencing a sudden unexpected craving for sugar is to get a check up, but meanwhile to be very careful on the roads. Many people who suffer from hypoglycemia don't realize that they are having one of the "episodes" until it's too late. Always carry a quick-fix with you in case you feel a little light-headed and dizzy.

I am a little informed now and the sudden sweet tooth isn't so mysterious anymore.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

{You're Beautiful Just the Way You Are}

Over the years as I was growing up I have been battling with self-confidence issues. I never felt like I was beautiful or even pretty, maybe just cute on my good days. But the majority of the time I was self-conscious about my appearance and did not feel confident in my own skin at all. I would always have something very mean to say about my appearance especially regarding my weight and face. I never felt comfortable and would always call myself "fat" or "ugly". This past year I have been learning just how wrong I am. Every time I say something like purely out of habit I cringe on the inside. I am so sad that I have grown up thinking negatively about myself and for not thanking God for all that He has done for me. He created me healthy; I have legs and arms that work, eyes that see, ears that hear and I have forgotten to stop and thank Him for all of that. Instead I was hurting Him by calling myself, His creation, all sorts of mean names. I am so embarrassed by my actions and am regretting all of the words I said. I want to take them all back because what I should have been doing the whole time was praising and glorifying God for His love and grace.

I have realized just how beautifully God has created me and how thankful I should be to Him that He created me that way. I want to encourage each and one of you to stop and think about the things we have been hating on and upset about and rethink them all. I want each one of us to stop and think and make a list (be it on a paper or in our minds) about all the amazing things God gave us. Think about all of those people out there that are blind, deaf, missing limbs, starving, tortured, beaten and thank God for our own lives. We are truly blessed and so lucky. Never forget that no matter how you look, it was God who created you and you are beautiful to Him because you are His creation. Stop and think that before you go on to say how ugly or fat you are. It has definitely changed in my life. I have decided to honor the temple that is my body by treating it right and taking care of it. I eat right and participate in a healthy lifestyle and love my body!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

{A Healthier You Equals a Happier You- Food Tips to Fight Off the Blues}

I have a few tips I have researched to help all of you dear readers become healthier and to help you overcome those "blues" that sometimes seem to want to drag you down. Don't let the bad mood ruin your entire day, instead try to get rid of it as fast as you can.

Source <3

For those days when you are feeling sluggish: Instead of reaching for the second or third cup of coffee, try a spinach salad instead.

If you are PMSing: We all know how that can ruin a whole day or even a couple of days. Well do not despair, but instead eat an egg-salad sandwich. It's normal to crave carbs when you are PMSing, but you should try to control that but opting for the "healthier" carbs and an egg-salad sandwich on wheat bread is perfect!

Feeling a little sad? Whole grain cereal with low fat milk is your best buddy and it will meet your vitamin D and calcium needs.

For the time when you are stressed: do not be weary of chocolate because it will actually help you relax. Obviously the dark chocolate is the healthier choice, but if you really hate dark chocolate then eat your milk chocolate because it will de-stress you.

Are you feeling angry? Reach for that green tea before you lash out and make matters worse.It will help to calm you down and let you think clearly which is a great idea epecially if you are angry at someone like your boss.

There are days when you are just downright cranky: this is the day to grab an apple smear some peanut butter on it and munch on it and after a while your cranky mood will be gone. This can also be used when you are tired and still have a couple more hours to go at school or on the job because it gives that boost of energy that lasts for a long time.

Are you feeling anxious? We all do once in a while. Well salmon will help you with that because salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids (those things work magic on anxiety).

Here is a list of a few other foods to turn to in case you are having a bad day and don't have all of the things listed above:

-Greek yogurt
-cherry tomatoes

Thursday, September 6, 2012

{A few random thoughts}

Hello all my loveys,

I have been a bit busy with the fall semester starting at college that I haven't been able to get to my blogging although I have been wanting to post something for a couple of days.

I'm so excited for something that is very close to coming. I know that in many parts of the world fall has already begun, but here in sunny California it takes its sweet ole time getting here which makes me anxious because I absolutely adore autumn! I'm a freak about it in some ways. I love everything that is correlated to autumn. In fact, it makes me giddy. I absolutely adore all of the fall fashion. I enjoy hot drinks like hot cocoa and coffee with a pastry, muffin, or pie. I could keep going on and on but I won't bore you with my ramblings and obsession about fall. One thing I can say is that I hate living in California because our fall doesn't last long enough for me. Does anyone know a place where autumn is beautiful and lasts super long?

Here's what I have been up to:

trying to be more healthy

some pretty flowers I saw while jogging one early morning

yummy juicy peaches, these are my favorite!

some homemade crepes with mint tea, yummmmmmy!

August 27th was back to school for me

mint tea and a nectarine

Chipotle burrito, never again..I will stick to my bowls

a friends wedding

my college campus

back to homework

cute baby brother

went to Stinson beach for Labor Day

We had a pretty day where it was cloudy

my little sister was feeding the geese and ducks

she's so stylish

Thursday, August 23, 2012

{Major Change}

My two most favorite things; books and autumn

So, I have been doing some research and surfing around online and have decided to change my major. I'm a little bit nervous because I have noticed the phrase, "What are you going to do with that major?" being used often in relation to the career path I'm interested in. Have you guessed what it is yet? I'll give you a hint, it has something to do with my all-time favorite things. Yep, I'm majoring in English. For those of you who know what kind of nerd I am this probably didn't come as much of a surprise as it would for those who didn't know this. I was at first looking into the Library Tech Program but it's just a certificate program and I want a degree and I could go on to be a librarian with my English major which is pretty awesome because by the time I get my BA I will be able to know more about what I'm very interested in doing.

Anyways, for those of you who think an English major is a foolish choice let me clear up all of the myths. First of all English majors could do more than just write and teach although this is what the majority of them do. I do think I would enjoy writing or teaching an English based class, I wouldn't do so well in teaching anything else though. Secondly the English major offers so much variety of work that it made me a little dizzy. You can become a script writer, or a speech writer, or you can work in advertising, law firm, or a publishing house. The line of work is amazing and the choices are broad. I'm excited to begin this journey and see where it takes me. But most importantly I'm happy to report that I will be doing something I love and something that makes me happy. Hopefully I didn't bore you with this long post.

Source :

Stay Smart...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

{Random Thursday}

Hello world and all of you lovely and gorgeous people,

I am doing a random post with no planning beforehand so excuse me if I get really random.

-I purchased some running shoes today! I'm super happy about that because they are super light. I have been using my mom's previously and they were big on me and kind of heavy. I also bought a pair of workout shorts.

-School starts in 10 days! I did some school supplies shopping already, but need to buy a few more things. It's always fun to shop for new school supplies, especially for a nerd like me. The smell of new paper makes me happy. As you can see I color coordinated my folders and notebook, this way I will know which notebook and folder goes for which subject :)

-I checked out a nerdy magazine from the library. It cracks me up so much when I told my sister the title of it and she gave me a blank look as if to say, "what in the world are you reading?"

Have a happy and safe rest of the week! I will be back with more posts!

Stay Smart...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

{Tahoe Sunday}

I went to Lake Tahoe on Sunday. It was a chill day on the lake just relaxing with family and having fun. Here are a few pictures from that day. Hope you enjoy!

Absolutely gorgeous view

love this beach

getting a little creative for some fun pictures

juicy watermelon, yummy

lol, check out the background


the road back home, the sunset was breathtaking

Stay Smart...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

{San Francisco Escapades}

Yesterday was a fun day at San Francisco. We went on the Baylink Ferry from Vallejo to San Francisco and spent a day there just enjoying ourselves. Here are a few pictures of the things that captured my attention.


I couldn't get enough of this view
I love how the whole boat is seen through the lens

back view from the ferry
unexpected moment

Stay Smart...