Over the years as I was growing up I have been battling with self-confidence issues. I never felt like I was beautiful or even pretty, maybe just cute on my good days. But the majority of the time I was self-conscious about my appearance and did not feel confident in my own skin at all. I would always have something very mean to say about my appearance especially regarding my weight and face. I never felt comfortable and would always call myself "fat" or "ugly". This past year I have been learning just how wrong I am. Every time I say something like purely out of habit I cringe on the inside. I am so sad that I have grown up thinking negatively about myself and for not thanking God for all that He has done for me. He created me healthy; I have legs and arms that work, eyes that see, ears that hear and I have forgotten to stop and thank Him for all of that. Instead I was hurting Him by calling myself, His creation, all sorts of mean names. I am so embarrassed by my actions and am regretting all of the words I said. I want to take them all back because what I should have been doing the whole time was praising and glorifying God for His love and grace.
I have realized just how beautifully God has created me and how thankful I should be to Him that He created me that way. I want to encourage each and one of you to stop and think about the things we have been hating on and upset about and rethink them all. I want each one of us to stop and think and make a list (be it on a paper or in our minds) about all the amazing things God gave us. Think about all of those people out there that are blind, deaf, missing limbs, starving, tortured, beaten and thank God for our own lives. We are truly blessed and so lucky. Never forget that no matter how you look, it was God who created you and you are beautiful to Him because you are His creation. Stop and think that before you go on to say how ugly or fat you are. It has definitely changed in my life. I have decided to honor the temple that is my body by treating it right and taking care of it. I eat right and participate in a healthy lifestyle and love my body!
Yay :) I'm so glad u realized this. I think it is pretty vain to bash yourself when there are bigger problems in the world