Tuesday, May 6, 2014

{Pregnant With Baby #1-Week 22}

Baby is now the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs a whole pound! AWWWWW
How far along? 22 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/measurements: I am very sad right now because my doctor told me that my last couple of weeks I have gained too much weight and if I continue at that speed I will go over the limit. I'm very very sad, but I know it's my own fault.
Maternity clothes: It's a mix of both maternity and normal clothes :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have such vivid dreams so I feel exhausted
Best moment this week: I am finally feeling a little bit better after getting completely wiped out last week with the cold or flu or whatever it was.
Miss anything? Still miss my sleep, I don't understand it, I thought during the second trimester I wouldn't be so tired but I am.
Movement: The baby is kicking a lot especially after I eat. It feels like he or she is doing somersaults in my belly, cutie pie :)
Food cravings: Nachos (explains my weight gain)
Anything making you queasy or sick? I threw up my prenatal's a couple times again :(
Gender: Soon to be revealed
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: No sleep
Itchy belly
Crazy back aches
Leg cramps every night
Baby kicking
Belly button in or out? In 
Happy or moody most of the time: Mostly happy because I am feeling a ton better compared to last week
Looking forward to: The weekend, like always hehe, and also revealing the gender to our friends and family!!

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